About the Project
This project started whilst I was bored in my high school computer science classes and learning Python at the time. Also at the time me and my friends were learning and playing against each other at online blackjack which was blocked and banned at my school. This led to me making it as a word game in python which my teacher accepted considering it was on topic, and therefore whenever I finished the task early I would start working on this. It features randomised cards as well as input checking that will repeatedly ask for the players input until an accepted value is entered, as well as a dealer that also draws random cards and has to stand on 16. However after playing this in class got boring, I made it so it can have rigged yet slightly randomised modes that guarantee the victory of either the player or the dealer depending on an input, where the value each player will receive is scripted but with randomised faces to retain some mystery. This entire project was made in spare time in lessons, on knowledge I was taught in lessons alone, which greatly improved my computational thinking to use the basic tools I had learnt and turn them step by step into a working solution, making this a very simple project that I am still proud of.